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Title  View All People

Title  View All Departments

Human Resources
Department Phone 559.278.2032
Department Fax 559.278.4275
Location Joyal Administration 211
Mailing Address 5150 N. Maple, Fresno, CA 93740
Campus Mail Stop M/S JA41
Web Site

Title Name Title Classification Phone Phone
Staff, Administrator 559.278.5011
Staff 559.278.8237
Staff 559.278.5014
Staff, Manager 559.278.3956
Staff, Admin. Coordinator 559.278.8225
Staff, Manager 559.278.2125
Staff 559.278.7173
Staff 559.278.5012
Staff, Administrator 559.278.2032
Staff 559.278.2098
Staff, Admin. Asst. 559.278.4657
Staff 559.278.6035
Staff 559.278.7178
Staff, Administrator 559.278.5010
Staff, Coordinator 559.278.0229
Staff 559.278.4023